
  • Fuji DL-10

    written by paper_doll on 2009-03-23 #gear
    Fuji DL-10

    I bought this camera last year because it was very cheap and also because it looked like the ones my parents used to give me when I was a little girl, back in the 80’s! Fuji DL-10 are compact 35mm cameras, sold around 1986 and this particular one was bought in 1987 (the previous owner wrote it on the box).

  • Be Lomo - Chaika II

    written by paper_doll on 2008-11-14 #gear
    Be Lomo - Chaika II

    Chaika II was produced by the Belomo factory in Belarus (then in the USSR) between 1967 and 1972. Chaika means “seagull”. It has the same camera body as the original, but with several minor changes.
