Holga CFN Bulb Setting

Something of a Tipster that you shouldn’t and never forget when shooting with the Holga!

Remember to reset the Holga CFN’s B setting to N after shooting a long exposure image. Remember: Set B back to N! The first image taken one evening on B setting was deliberate. Remember: Set B back to N! the subsequent image taken the following day were not meant to be taken on B setting. Remember: Set B back to N! The rather dense negatives were still salvageable when scanning. Remember: Set B back to N! In some cases the results were quite engaging … but… Remember: Set B back to N! One telltale sign to look out for is your Holga CFN making a sound as though the shutter has been fired on the downwards press. Remember: Set B back to N! … then making the same sound again as you release the shutter lever. Remember: Set B back to N! Just in case i failed to mention it… Remember: Set B back to N!

2010-04-21 #gear #tutorials #tips #tipster #holga #bulb-mode #quickie-tipster #holga-book #quick-tricks-for-your-holga

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