The Slaughterhouse

Kodak 5218 Vision2 500t shot at IE 320. Ammonia and water 1 pt to 2 pts bath at the beginning of the development caused some color shifts and a definite loss of emulsion speed -- looks like about 2 stops. So the shadows are darker and more blocked. But the bath produced some interesting tones. Water is BLUE and the sky, when it is darker is BLUE... Developed in CN16 N1-MV Developer Replenisher at 1 pt to 9 pts, so 30ml in 270ml. Developed at 100 degrees F for 3:20 min, sodium bisulfate stop bath, remjet removal, rinse, potassium ferricyanide bleach (ECN-2 alt) rinse and homemade ammonium thiosulfate fixer.