Lomopedia: Spinner 360° Motorizer

With the Spinner 360° Motorizer, you can create remote-controlled panoramic photos with the Spinner 360° camera, even in low-light conditions.

The Spinner 360° Motorizer was introduced in 2012 by the Lomography Society International as a complimentary accessory to the Lomography Spinner 360°, allowing hands-free use camera from a distance of up to 8 meters.

Technical Specifications:

  • Battery supply: The Spinner Motorizer Base needs four AA batteries, while the Remote needs one AA battery.
  • Equivalent shutter speed: 1/4 sec
  • Workable remote distance: 5-8m
  • Spinning modes: Single and continuous spin
  • One remote can control more than one Motorizer as long as they are all within working distance of the remote.
Credits: elvismartinezsmith & cyanwater

Learn more about the Spinner 360°, the Spinner 360° Motorizer, and the history of panoramic photography over at the Spinner 360° microsite here.

The Spinner 360° goes beyond the confines of standard panoramic cameras. See everything around you (literally!), and be swept away by truly spectacular results. Head to our Online Shop and get your own Spinner 360°!

written by geegraphy on 2013-05-28 #gear #lomopedia #review #sprockets #reviews #lomography #spinner-360 #spinner-360-motorizer #lomopedia

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