My first roll with the Smena 8M. It is, well let's just say, a unique camera with it's own set of quirks. Framing/composition is utterly frustrating because nothing is actually where it should be based on what I framed when I shot. I will have to do a new roll just to test the framing and make some notes for future rolls. It was pretty simple to use overall, I didn't use the ISO+icons method to shoot this time, I took some meter readings with my phone and then set the camera accordingly. I think for my next roll I will try using the icons. I do think I will need to find a 35.5mm ND or Polarizing filter for it because I want to be able to use it at f/4 for shallower depth of field. Even with the overcast day and 160 ISO film I still had to shoot at f/8 and 1/250th. It was a fun experience though.


  1. j_lamego
    j_lamego ·

    GREAT! I ♥ road sign.

  2. alienmeatsack
    alienmeatsack ·

    Thanks. :D I wish I had been able to stand on something to shoot it straight on but it turned out ok for a dreary day photo just the same. :)